I have a sportscasting nightmare.
For almost 20 years, since I started calling games, I've had a recurring nightmare. Not often, perhaps a couple times a year.
I'm sitting in the broadcast booth and the game is beginning. The pitcher fires one in and the batter smacks it into the outfield. As he whips around the bases, my heart is pounding.
Who is this batter? What is the pitcher's name? And beyond that, where am I and who are these two teams?
This is MY sportscasting nightmare - the dreaded fear of being unprepared.
It was this dream that always had me preparing hours before the first pitch. A few hours of prep for each hour of on-air action. And it didn't matter the sport. For Army hoops games, I'd spend time the week prior, during practice, walk-thru's and the day of the game. Professional baseball was a never-ending prep fest.
For year during Sports Broadcasting classes, I've implored students to over-prepare and plan for all contingencies. When the mic goes live, its time to improve in your craft and live your dream.
As a fan or professional, what is your sports broadcasting nightmare?
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