Minor league baseball life is not glamorous at all. At least most of the time. As a result, minor league broadcasters often find humor in the smallest things. You are in a season-long bubble and trivial events can seem SOOO important.
One such story involves a minor league team’s closer, who spoke often of how he was being groomed to be the eventual big league closer. He was riding buses in the Bush Leagues
simply until the time was right for him to assume his role in the Major Leagues. Just ask him – or not – and he’d tell you. He was a good guy with a jovial nature.
I recall one late-night stop after a road game. The team was hungry after playing a game, and the bus pulled to the side of the road, between a half-rate fast food joint and a convenience store. Those are your options boys.
Half of the weary team ambled into the convenience store. After about 30 minutes, most of the players were safely back in their seat on the bus, ready for the long trip ahead. All the players except one.
A few minutes later the door to the convenience store popped open and out darted a stray cat, which darted across the street and into the darkness. A moment later, the team’s closer slowly stepped out and up into the bus. The right sleeve of his multicolored summer shirt was ripped, nearly torn from his torso. He looked as if he’d been involved in a bar fight. The team erupted in laughter.
“I found this cat in the store,” he explained “I tried to rescue it and get it home safely, but while I was cornering the cat near the chips I caught my shirt on the rack and ripped this huge hole!”
Although a bit sore, the team’s closer was back on the mound the next day. Even more ridiculous than that....inside the Groundhog Day of minor league baseball, this was a big deal to us.
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