Broadcasting Irregardless

We heard a sportscaster the other day, rambling on about how a player did something "irregardless" of the situation.  Sharp listeners probably cringe when they hear that word.  And boy do we hear it often.

Most dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster, are clear that the correct word would simply be
Did he just say that?
"regardless."  While they agree there is, indeed, such a is nonstandard.  If that weren't enough, try using the word in any basic Word document.  You'll get the squiggly, red line underneath - showing that it is a spelling error!

If Webster says it's nonstandard, broadcasters should do better.  Most who use it are just lazy.  Some don't know this word really isn't a proper word.

Sportscasters should be proper and precise.  Viewers and listeners deserve it, irregardless.
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