Baseball broadcasters know a lot. About the team. About the players. About the inner-workings of the baseball club. Especially in the minor leagues, where you live and travel so closely with the club. So what is a broadcaster to do if presented with information about steroids, HGH,
PEDs and the like?
Let's be honest, in the minor leagues, the team broadcaster can become almost part of the team. The same age as many of the players, the tendency is for the team's voice to blend in and become one of the guys. As such, a broadcaster can learn a lot, about A LOT. Oftentimes too much.
For example, who is doing what after the games. Who has an opinion about someone else. And yes, who may be using an illegal substance. The predicament, then, is what, if anything, to do with that information.
One golden rule of broadcasting, which often proves wise, is to keep your focus on the field. As a reporter, give the fans an accurate word picture of everything that takes place between the lines. After all, they tune in to hear the game. You give your listener a great experience and stay far away from that grey line. If it took place on the bus, in the clubhouse or somewhere other than on the field, it doesn't belong in the broadcast. Certainly you can make exceptions to add some flavor to the broadcast, but those should be the exception rather than the rule. This way you protect yourself from controversy, maintain a player's privacy and still give the listener plenty of tidbits and an accurate portrayal of the team and its season.
Broadcasters know a lot, and sometimes more than they want to know. Defined boundaries help wise broadcasters steer clear of problems and keep the listener focused on the game, between the lines. That is, after all, why the tuned in.
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